Monday, October 21, 2013

Natural Beauty of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an Island situated in a significant area on the earth surface where there have mesmerizing natural beauty. 

Biological diversity in Sri Lanka makes the country more valuable naturally, economically and culturally. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

                            TYPES OF BUTTERFLIES

Most of them are endangered because of the climatic change that are basically caused by human influences. So Try to protect such wonderful features make the environment more divers and colorful.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

natural disasters ;flood, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami, wild fire, land slides, storms, cyclones, droughts, asteroid, hurricanes are the most common natural disasters that we could experience often. Even though they are naturally occurred, some considerable anthropogenic influences are either directly or indirectly caused on these.set on the natural forest fire by human, ed-hock development activities basically caused for landslides for instant.